2名少女在生日派对期间死于纽瓦克住宅火灾;调查仍在进行中。 2 young girls died in a Newark house fire during a birthday party; investigation ongoing.
10 月 19 日午夜前,新泽西州纽瓦克市的一场房屋火灾不幸夺走了两名年轻女孩的生命。 A house fire in Newark, New Jersey, tragically claimed the lives of two young girls during a birthday party just before midnight on October 19th. 事件发生在埃克特大道,埃塞克斯县检察官办公室正在调查火灾原因。 The incident occurred on Eckert Avenue, and the cause of the fire is under investigation by the Essex County Prosecutor's Office. 红十字会正在援助来自七个家庭的15名流离失所者。 The Red Cross is aiding 15 displaced individuals from seven families. 包括拉莫尼卡·麦基弗在内的当地官员对事件的发展表示哀悼。 Local officials, including Rep. LaMonica McIver, expressed their condolences as the story develops.