贝德福德一家房屋发生火灾,造成一名两个月大的婴儿死亡,另外两人伤势危急。 A house fire in Bedford killed a 2-month-old infant and left two others in critical condition.
在贝德福德的福布斯路发生火灾,造成一名两个月大的婴儿Jovan Harris丧生,一名成人和另一名儿童处于危急状态。 A house fire on Forbes Road in Bedford tragically claimed the life of a 2-month-old infant, Jovan Harris, and left an adult and another child in critical condition. 一名7岁孩童越狱后, 消防员于下午10点左右回應, 提醒邻居注意。 Firefighters responded around 10 PM after a 7-year-old escaped and alerted neighbors. 抵达后,机组人员发现里面有浓烟和两个人没有反应。 Upon arrival, crews found heavy smoke and two individuals unresponsive inside. 火灾原因仍在调查之中,最新消息将由当地新闻来源提供。 The cause of the fire is still under investigation, and updates will be provided by local news sources.