两人死于Kearny家的火灾;泽西市另一起火灾导致一名儿童被解救。 Two people died in a Kearny house fire; a separate fire in Jersey City led to a child's rescue.
61岁的Martin Wilson和58岁的Mary Beth Guenther在Kearny的汉密尔顿大道发生火灾, A house fire on Hamilton Avenue in Kearny killed Martin Wilson, 61, and Mary Beth Guenther, 58. 午夜后首次报告的火灾起源于地下室,但原因仍然不明。 The fire, first reported after midnight, originated in the basement, but the cause remains unknown. 没有犯规嫌疑,哈德逊县地区纵火特别工作组正在调查。 Foul play is not suspected, and the Hudson County Regional Arson Task Force is investigating. 随后在泽西城发生了四起警报火灾, 至少有一名儿童被救出, In Jersey City, a separate four-alarm fire broke out later, leading to the rescue of at least one child, with no further details on injuries or the cause.