25岁的Martin Coombs和32岁的Jay Stokes被判在英格兰斯温顿犯有严重入室盗窃罪,被判处20年以上合并监禁。 25-year-old Martin Coombs and 32-year-old Jay Stokes convicted of aggravated burglary in Swindon, England, received combined prison sentence exceeding 20 years.
25岁的Martin Coombs和32岁的Jay Stokes被判在英格兰斯温顿的刀口严重入室盗窃罪,并被判处20年以上监禁。 Martin Coombs, 25, and Jay Stokes, 32, were convicted of aggravated burglary at knifepoint in Swindon, England, and received a combined prison sentence exceeding 20 years. 该事件发生在2023年11月29日,当时他们闯入一家住宅,殴打一名妇女,并在毒品和酒精的影响下偷窃现金。 The incident occurred on November 29, 2023, when they broke into a home, assaulted a woman, and stole cash while under the influence of drugs and alcohol. 法官赞扬Wiltshire警察进行了特殊调查,将其与谋杀审判的标准相提并论。 The judge praised Wiltshire Police for their exceptional investigation, likening it to standards seen in murder trials.