6名Hertfordshire罪犯被判长期徒刑,包括因儿童性犯罪被判处23年有期徒刑。 Six Hertfordshire criminals received lengthy sentences, including 23 years for child sex offenses.
来自Hertfordshire的5名罪犯于12月被定罪。 Five criminals from Hertfordshire were convicted in December. Lewis Kendrick因企图刺杀一名69岁男子而被判处17年徒刑。 Lewis Kendrick received 17 years for attempting to murder a 69-year-old man by stabbing him. 毒贩Khyien Corbett和Donnell Willocks被监禁了14年多。 Drug dealers Khyien Corbett and Donnell Willocks were jailed for over 14 years. Kierson Murray因刺杀两名青少年被判三年半监禁。 Kierson Murray got three-and-a-half years for stabbing two teenagers. Forbes Maxwell因性侵犯被判处6年徒刑。 Forbes Maxwell was sentenced to six years for sexual assaults. Martyn Bragg因1970年代和80年代的历史性儿童性犯罪被判处23年。 Martyn Bragg received 23 years for historic child sex offenses dating back to the 1970s and 80s.