8名西威尔士罪犯因包括失明、性攻击等严重罪行而被监禁47年以上。 Eight West Wales criminals receive over 47 years in jail for severe offenses including blinding, sexual assault.
来自西威尔士的八名罪犯因各种严重罪行被判处监禁,总共约47年零9个月。 Eight criminals from West Wales have been sentenced to jail for various serious offenses, totaling about 47 years and nine months. 值得注意的案例包括Jivan Dean, 他因用沸腾的化学品致盲而被判18年徒刑;Benjamin Guiver, 他因残酷的性攻击被判20年徒刑。 Notable cases include Jivan Dean, who got 18 years for blinding a man with boiling chemicals, and Benjamin Guiver, sentenced to 20 years for a brutal sexual assault. 其他犯罪包括锤子袭击、毒品交易、家庭虐待、刀袭击和酒后驾车。 Other crimes include hammer attacks, drug dealing, domestic abuse, knife attacks, and drunk driving.