由 17 名成员组成的伯明翰盗窃团伙与十多起盗窃案有关,他们使用偷来的工具和车辆,针对性地盗窃商店和 ATM 机,被判处 30 多年监禁。 17-member Birmingham burglary gang, linked to over a dozen burglaries, received 30+ years jail time for targeted shop and ATM thefts, using stolen tools and vehicles.
由 17 名成员组成的伯明翰盗窃团伙与英格兰十多起盗窃案有关,总共被判处 30 多年监禁。 17-member Birmingham burglary gang, linked to over a dozen burglaries in England, received over 30 years combined jail time. 2022 年至 2023 年间,他们使用偷来的工具和车辆,袭击商店和 ATM。 Between 2022-2023, they targeted shops & ATMs, using stolen tools & vehicles. 他们承认使用消防角磨机闯入自动取款机。 They admitted to using a fire service angle grinder to break into cash machines. 在突袭乐购超市期间,该团伙向警察投掷砖块和石块,并给一家商店和面包店造成 100 万英镑的损失。 During a raid on a Tesco, the gang hurled bricks & rocks at police and caused £1m damage to a store & bakery.