在俾斯麦的 Tyler Parkway 和 Century 十字路口相距 200 码增加 2 个红绿灯,导致交通拥堵和安全问题。 2 stoplights added 200 yards apart at Tyler Parkway and Century intersection in Bismarck cause traffic congestion and safety concerns.
北达科他州的比斯马克的泰勒公路与世纪路交叉处的最近变化让当地司机感到丧. Recent changes at the Tyler Parkway and Century intersection in Bismarck, North Dakota, have frustrated local drivers. 增加两个相距200码的截光灯,引起对交通堵塞和安全的关切,特别是在高峰时段。 The addition of two stoplights, just 200 yards apart, has raised concerns about traffic congestion and safety, particularly during peak hours. 一位长期居民表示,四路停留就足够了。 A long-time resident suggested that a four-way stop would have sufficed. 该条质疑修改是否将加强安全,足以证明由此造成的交通延误是合理的。 The article questions whether the modifications will enhance safety enough to justify the resulting traffic delays.