在布鲁克林的苏丹侨民举办艺术、文化活动, 以提高对苏丹战争的认识。 Sudanese diaspora in Brooklyn hosts art, cultural events to raise awareness on Sudan war.
纽约布鲁克林的苏丹侨民正在主办艺术和文化活动, The Sudanese diaspora in Brooklyn, New York, is hosting art and cultural events to raise awareness about the ongoing war in Sudan. 这些集会使社区团结起来,使个人能够交流经验和观点。 These gatherings unite the community, allowing individuals to share their experiences and perspectives. 通过利用艺术、音乐和讲故事,他们力求使全球关注这场危机,并强调支持和行动的必要性,同时培养与会者之间的团结感。 By leveraging art, music, and storytelling, they aim to keep global attention on the crisis and emphasize the need for support and action, while fostering a sense of unity among attendees.