加沙艺术家走私作品到约旦, 通过临时材料展示冲突创伤。 Gaza artists smuggle works to Jordan, showcasing conflict's trauma through makeshift materials.
加沙的巴勒斯坦艺术家一直在将他们的艺术从领土偷运出去,以展示正在进行的冲突的创伤和现实。 Palestinian artists in Gaza have been smuggling their art out of the territory to showcase the trauma and reality of the ongoing conflict. 这些艺术作品展示在安曼一个名为“火下”的展览中, 描述战争、流离失所和痛苦的场景, The artworks, displayed in an Amman exhibition called "Under Fire," depict scenes of war, displacement, and suffering, crafted from improvised materials like medicine wrappers and natural pigments. 艺术家希望他们的工作能帮助世界理解加沙的痛苦与苦难。 The artists hope their work will help the world understand the pain and suffering in Gaza.