货币基金组织预测全球政府债务超过100万亿美元,超过全球产出的100%。 IMF projects global government debt to exceed $100 trillion, surpassing 100% of global output.
国际货币基金组织(基金组织)预测,全球政府债务到年底将超过100万亿美元,超过全球产出的100%。 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) projects global government debt will exceed $100 trillion by year-end, surpassing 100% of global output. 联合王国已经超过了这一门槛,国民债务为27万亿英镑。 The UK has already crossed this threshold with £2.7 trillion in national debt. 不断上升的融资成本和通货膨胀在全球构成风险,包括在美国。 Rising financing costs and inflation pose risks globally, including in the U.S. 专家建议不要将现金存入低利息账户或政府债务, 建议投资于实体资产和具有强大定价能力的公司. Experts advise against holding cash in low-interest accounts or government debt, recommending investment in real assets and companies with strong pricing power.