“本杰明·格拉泽 (Benjamin Glaze),前《美国偶像》参赛者,因持有儿童色情片而被捕,被塔尔萨警方发现有 700+ 张图片。” "Benjamin Glaze, former 'American Idol' contestant, arrested for child porn possession, found with 700+ images by Tulsa police."
前"美国偶像"参赛者本杰明·格莱兹于2024年10月18日在俄克拉荷马州因持有儿童色情作品而被捕. Former "American Idol" contestant Benjamin Glaze was arrested in Oklahoma on October 18, 2024, for possession of child pornography. 图尔萨警察局的性侵/数字证据恢复部门在搜查他的住所时在他的智能手机上发现了700多张儿童性虐待材料的图片和视频. The Tulsa Police Department's Sexual Predator/Digital Evidence Recovery Unit found over 700 images and videos of child sexual abuse material on his smartphone during a search warrant at his residence. Glaze 被指控犯有严重持有罪,后来以 50,000 美元的保释金获释。 Glaze is charged with aggravated possession and was later released on a $50,000 bond.