加利福尼亚监狱工人Benjamin Bush因据称在Santa Monica码头向四名儿童展示裸体照片而被捕。 California prison worker Benjamin Bush arrested for allegedly showing nude photos to four children at Santa Monica Pier.
Benjamin Bush,46岁的加利福尼亚监狱雇员,据称因9月18日在圣莫尼卡码头向4名儿童(包括3名9岁儿童)展示裸体照片而被逮捕。 Benjamin Bush, a 46-year-old California prison employee, was arrested for allegedly showing nude photos of himself to four children, including three 9-year-olds, at the Santa Monica Pier on September 18. Bush以前没有犯罪史,10月29日被拘留。 Bush, who has no prior criminal history, was taken into custody on October 29. 警方正在寻求关于涉及布什的任何其他事件的更多信息。 Police are seeking additional information on any other incidents involving Bush.