前俄亥俄卫生医学主任Garrett Norvell承认拥有儿童色情制品。 Former OhioHealth medical director Garrett Norvell pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography.
Garrett Norvell, 俄亥俄卫生局前医务主任, 承认在联邦法院拥有儿童色情制品。 Garrett Norvell, a former medical director at OhioHealth, pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography in federal court. 国土安全部在2020年调查后将他逮捕,并将他与黑暗网络儿童色情活动联系起来。 His arrest followed a 2020 investigation by Homeland Security that linked him to dark web child pornography. 2022年2月,特工人员查封了他的电子设备,发现至少18份儿童色情制品档案。 In February 2022, agents seized his electronics, uncovering at least 18 files of child pornography. 诺维尔承认长期吸毒成瘾,面临长达20年的监禁。 Norvell, who admitted to a long-standing addiction, faces up to 20 years in prison. 在指控之后,他交出了医疗执照。 He surrendered his medical license following the charges.