Seth Brummond教师被控通过Kik传播儿童色情制品,于12月19日被逮捕。 Teacher Seth Brummond charged with distributing child pornography via Kik, arrested Dec. 19.
Seth Brummond是堪萨斯城地区李峰西中学37岁的教师,他被指控犯有涉及儿童色情的联邦罪行。 Seth Brummond, a 37-year-old teacher at Lee's Summit West High School in the Kansas City area, has been charged with federal crimes involving child pornography. 他面临通过Kik信使应用程序在网上传播和持有儿童色情制品的罪名。 He faces charges for distributing and possessing child pornography online through the Kik Messenger app. Brummond于12月19日被捕, 因为他将家置于监视之下, 并没收他的iPhone和一台电脑塔。 Law enforcement was alerted via a Cyber Tip and arrested Brummond on December 19 after placing his home under surveillance, seizing his iPhone and a computer tower.