曼彻斯特Piccadilly花园的Tram和公共汽车碰撞事故造成四人受伤,其中一人伤势严重;调查正在进行中。 Tram and bus collide in Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester, injuring four, including one seriously; investigations ongoing.
10 月 18 日下午 2 点 13 分左右,一辆有轨电车和 Stagecoach 巴士在曼彻斯特皮卡迪利花园相撞,造成 4 人受伤,其中 1 人伤势严重。 On October 18th, a tram and Stagecoach bus collided in Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester, around 2:13 PM, injuring four people, one seriously. 应急服务,包括一架空中救护车,得到响应,导致关闭道路,中断该地区的电车服务。 Emergency services, including an air ambulance, responded, leading to road closures and disrupted tram services in the area. Mosley街被关闭了 影响关键电车站的通路 Mosley Street was closed, affecting access to key tram stops. 大曼彻斯特警方正在调查坠机原因。 The cause of the crash is under investigation by Greater Manchester Police.