Salford的巴士失事导致5人住院,消防员营救乘客。 A bus crash in Salford left five people hospitalized, with firefighters rescuing passengers.
星期天晚上在萨尔福德的布莱克弗里亚斯路坠毁, 涉及一辆Bee网络巴士和一辆奔驰汽车。 A crash on Blackfriars Road in Salford on Sunday night involved a Bee Network bus and a Mercedes-Benz car. 5个人,包括公共汽车司机和3名乘客,作为预防措施被送往医院。 Five individuals, including the bus driver and three passengers, were taken to the hospital as a precaution. 没有发生严重受伤的报告。 No serious injuries were reported. 消防员从巴士上救出四个人。 Firefighters rescued four people from the bus. 公路在一夜之间关闭,星期一上午重新开放。 The road was closed overnight and reopened Monday morning. 大曼彻斯特警方正在调查 尚未逮捕 Greater Manchester Police are investigating, with no arrests made yet.