公平贸易委员会调查与农业设备修理做法有关的反托拉斯/消费者保护违反规定的情况。 FTC investigates Deere & Co for antitrust/consumer protection violations related to agricultural equipment repair practices.
公平贸易委员会正在调查Deere & Co.公司可能违反与农业设备维修做法有关的反托拉斯法和消费者保护法的行为。 The FTC is investigating Deere & Co. for potential violations of antitrust and consumer protection laws related to its agricultural equipment repair practices. 这项调查于2021年9月启动,审查迪雷公司限制修理选择,造成垄断的声称。 The inquiry, initiated in September 2021, examines claims that Deere restricts repair options, creating a monopoly. 农民已对该公司提起诉讼,该公司已承诺改善修理无障碍,但尚未履行这一承诺。 Farmers have filed lawsuits against the company, which has promised to improve repair accessibility but has yet to fulfill that commitment. 参议员Elizabeth Warren也要求了解Deere的政策。 Senator Elizabeth Warren has also requested information on Deere’s policies.