加州超市关门,克罗格-艾伯森 (Kroger-Albertsons) 合并获得更低价格和小企业援助的支持。 California's supermarkets close, Kroger-Albertsons merger supported for lower prices and small business aid.
加州附近的超市已经关闭,导致小企业陷入困境,食品价格上涨。 California's neighborhood supermarkets have closed, leading to small business struggles and higher food prices. 克罗格与阿尔伯森的合并得到了加州西班牙裔商会主席的支持,因为它承诺为消费者提供更低的价格并增加对小企业的支持。 The Kroger-Albertsons merger is supported by the president of the California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, as it promises lower prices for consumers and increased support for small businesses. 过去十年,杂货行业格局发生了变化,超级购物中心和折扣杂货店占据主导地位。 The grocery industry landscape has shifted in the past decade, with supercenters and discount grocers dominating.