联邦调查局正在寻找一名武装的, 5'5"的连续银行抢劫犯, FBI searches for armed, 5'5" serial bank robber in Anchorage, linked to 3 credit union heists.
联邦调查局正在阿拉斯加Anchorage寻找一名涉嫌连环银行劫匪,这与9月23日至10月16日三起信用社抢劫案有关。 The FBI is searching for a suspected serial bank robber in Anchorage, Alaska, linked to three credit union robberies from September 23 to October 16. 嫌犯被描述为5尺5寸,黑头发和棕眼睛,据称威胁在抢劫期间使用武器。 The suspect, described as 5'5", with black hair and brown eyes, allegedly threatened to use a weapon during the heists. 他骑自行车和一辆被偷的汽车逃走了。 He escaped via bicycle and a stolen car. 当局认为他有武装和危险,敦促任何有情报的人与安克雷奇外地办事处联系。 Authorities consider him armed and dangerous, urging anyone with information to contact the Anchorage Field Office.