周五早些时候,身穿绿色连帽衫、手持左轮手枪的嫌疑人抢劫了默弗里斯伯勒的银行;由于天气原因,K9 搜索失败。 Suspect in green hoodie, armed with revolver, robs bank in Murfreesboro early Friday; K9 search unsuccessful due to weather.
一名因默弗里斯伯勒银行抢劫案而被通缉的嫌疑人。 A suspect is wanted for a bank robbery in Murfreesboro. 周五上午10点左右,劫匪身穿绿色连帽衫,戴着黑色滑雪面罩、手套和白色外科口罩,持左轮手枪进入银行索要钱财。 The robber, wearing a green hoodie, black ski mask, gloves and a white surgical mask, entered the bank with a revolver around 10 am on Friday, demanding money. 他步行离开现场,K9 部队试图追踪他,但由于天气恶劣而未能成功。 He left the scene on foot and a K9 unit attempted to track him, but was unsuccessful due to inclement weather. 调查正在联邦调查局的协助下进行。 The investigation is ongoing with the assistance of the FBI.