Ryanair失去了在爱尔兰法院起诉意大利反托拉斯当局的上诉权;案件移到意大利。 Ryanair loses appeal to sue Italian antitrust authority in Irish courts; case moves to Italy.
Ryanair因搜索其都柏林总部而在爱尔兰法院中败诉意大利反托拉斯机构AGCM的上诉。 Ryanair lost its appeal to sue Italy's antitrust authority, AGCM, in Irish courts over a search of its Dublin headquarters. 该航空公司辩称搜查令无效,但上诉法院裁定爱尔兰法院根据欧盟条例没有管辖权,因为索赔涉及意大利国家的行动。 The airline argued the search warrant was invalid, but the Court of Appeal ruled Irish courts lack jurisdiction under EU regulations, as the claims involve the Italian State's actions. 该案件现在将在意大利进行。 The case will now proceed in Italy.