第九巡回法院规定,在政府网站上张贴逮捕照片为非法,因为审前拘留是非法的。 9th Circuit Court rules posting mugshots on gov websites as pretrial punishment is illegal.
第九巡回上诉法院裁定,在政府网站上张贴被捕个人的照片构成非法审前处罚。 The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that posting mugshots of arrested individuals on government websites constitutes illegal pretrial punishment. Brian Houston对Maricopa县提起的诉讼得出了这一一致决定,使其他人能够提出类似的索赔。 This unanimous decision emerged from Brian Houston's lawsuit against Maricopa County, enabling others to file similar claims. 法院驳回了该州关于透明度和公共利益的主张,称这些主张不能成为不断公布与逮捕有关的个人资料的理由。 The court dismissed the county's claims of transparency and public interest, stating these did not justify the ongoing publication of personal information related to arrests.