密西西比州派出47名执法人员协助北卡罗来纳州在海伦风后的搜救工作. Mississippi sends 47 law enforcement officers to aid North Carolina in search and rescue post-Hurricane Helene.
密西西比州州长Tate Reeves已派遣47名执法人员——22名来自公路巡逻队,25名来自野生生物、渔业和公园部——在海伦飓风后协助北卡罗来纳州。 Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves has dispatched 47 law enforcement officers—22 from the Highway Patrol and 25 from the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks—to assist North Carolina in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. 他们的作用将侧重于搜索和救援行动以及交通管制。 Their roles will focus on search and rescue operations and traffic control. 这次部署是密西西比河五州正在进行的飓风应对努力的一部分,多个特派团已经完成。 This deployment is part of Mississippi's ongoing hurricane response efforts across five states, with multiple missions already completed.