缅因州派遣援助队 协助北卡罗来纳州飓风海伦的恢复工作 Maine to send aid teams and assistance to North Carolina's Hurricane Helene recovery efforts.
缅因州州长珍妮特·米尔斯宣布,州将为北卡罗来纳州从海伦飓风后恢复提供更多支持。 Maine Governor Janet Mills announced that the state will provide additional support to North Carolina's recovery from Hurricane Helene. 缅因州紧急事务管理局和森林处将派遣小组和指挥部援助,以协助正在进行的努力。 The Maine Emergency Management Agency and Forest Service will send teams and command assistance to aid the ongoing efforts. 这一支助补充了缅因州现有的护林队,该队已经在北卡罗来纳州协助清除道路。 This support supplements the existing team of Forest Rangers from Maine already assisting with road clearance in North Carolina.