54名宾夕法尼亚州警察士兵和两名平民被部署到佛罗里达州,在2012年以来第一次州外任务中开展飓风救济工作。 54 Pennsylvania State Police troopers and two civilians deployed to Florida for hurricane relief efforts in first out-of-state mission since 2012.
在 " 米尔顿 " 飓风之后,在佛罗里达州部署了54名宾夕法尼亚州警和两名平民从事救济工作,这是自2012年 " 桑迪 " 飓风以来首次部署州外人员。 Following Hurricane Milton, 54 Pennsylvania State Police troopers and two civilians are deployed to Florida for relief efforts, marking the first out-of-state deployment since Hurricane Sandy in 2012. 他们的任务包括生命安全任务和资源分配,计划为期两周,但可能会有变化。 Their mission includes life-safety tasks and resource distribution, scheduled for two weeks but subject to change. 这项努力根据《紧急管理援助契约》进行协调,援助受飓风破坏严重影响的地区。 This effort is coordinated under the Emergency Management Assistance Compact, aiding areas significantly affected by the hurricane's devastation.