由于司机短缺,夏威夷交通部于10月14日恢复了9条公交路线,帮助10所学校的100多名学生. Hawaii DoE reinstates nine bus routes Oct 14, helping 100+ students across 10 schools due to driver shortage.
夏威夷教育部于10月14日恢复东夏威夷和中毛伊的9条停课校车路线,使10所学校的100多名学生受益。 The Hawaii Department of Education is reinstating nine suspended school bus routes in East Hawaii and Central Maui on October 14, benefiting over 100 students across 10 schools. 这是为恢复受司机短缺影响的109条总路线而作出的更大努力的一部分,其中29条路线尚待修复。 This is part of a larger effort to restore 109 total routes affected by a driver shortage, with 29 still pending. 州长乔什·格林 (Josh Green) 的紧急公告延长至 11 月 30 日,允许其他交通选择,包括为普通教育学生乘坐旅游巴士。 Governor Josh Green's emergency proclamation, extended until November 30, allows for alternative transportation options, including tour buses for regular education students.