中国国务院副总理何立峰强调及时送货上门、房地产市场在经济复苏中的作用以及改善贷款审批和经济适用房政策。 Chinese Vice Premier He Lifeng emphasizes timely home deliveries, property market role in economic recovery, and improvement in loan approvals and affordable housing policies.
中国国务院副总理何立峰强调,需要确保及时送货上门,并扩大“白名单”机制,以稳定房地产行业。 Chinese Vice Premier He Lifeng has stressed the need to ensure timely home deliveries and expand the "white list" mechanism to stabilize the property sector. 在访问山西和Shaanxi期间,他强调了房地产市场在经济复苏中的作用。 During visits to Shanxi and Shaanxi, he highlighted the property market's role in economic recovery. 他呼吁提高贷款批准的效率,将更多的住房项目纳入筹资机制,执行政策,增加负担得起的住房和减少市场库存。 He called for improved efficiency in loan approvals, inclusion of more housing projects in the financing mechanisms, and implementation of policies to boost affordable housing and reduce inventory in the market.