前农村消防局长Frank Dahlquist对与国会暴动有关的联邦指控,包括袭击警官和携带武器进入禁区,表示不服罪。 Former rural fire chief Frank Dahlquist pleaded not guilty to federal charges related to the Capitol riot, including assaulting police officers and entering a restricted area with a weapon.
赫勒纳前农村消防局长弗兰克·达尔奎斯特 (Frank Dahlquist) 承认,他对2021年1月6日国会大暴乱的联邦指控无罪. Frank Dahlquist, former rural fire chief of Helena, pleaded not guilty to federal charges stemming from the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot. 一个大陪审团以九项罪名对他提出起诉,包括攻击警官和携带危险武器进入禁区。 A grand jury indicted him on nine counts, including assaulting police officers and entering a restricted area with a dangerous weapon. 证据包括据称向他展示胡椒喷洒官员的录像和照片。 Evidence includes videos and photos allegedly showing him pepper spraying officers. Dahlquist在华盛顿Issaquah的前上司从这些照片中认出了他。 Dahlquist's former supervisors in Issaquah, Washington, identified him from these images.