前士兵Edward Richmond Jr. 被判处四年以上徒刑,罪名是2021年1月6日用警棍袭击国会警察。 Former soldier Edward Richmond Jr. sentenced to over four years for attacking Capitol police with a baton on Jan. 6, 2021.
前美国陆军士兵小爱德华·里士满 (Edward Richmond Jr.) 曾因杀死一名戴手铐的伊拉克平民而被军事法庭审判,他因在 2021 年 1 月 6 日的骚乱中用警棍袭击国会大厦警察而被判处四年多的联邦监禁。 Former U.S. Army soldier Edward Richmond Jr., previously court-martialed for killing a handcuffed Iraqi civilian, was sentenced to over four years in federal prison for attacking Capitol police with a baton during the January 6, 2021, riot. Richmond对他的行动表示遗憾。 Richmond expressed regret for his actions. 他是1 500多名被控与暴乱有关的罪行的人之一,650多人被判处监禁。 He is one of over 1,500 individuals charged with crimes related to the riot, with more than 650 sentenced to prison terms.