Guy Reffitt因在2021年国会暴动中扮演的角色被定罪,被判处将近7年监禁。 Guy Reffitt, convicted for his role in the 2021 Capitol riot, was resentenced to nearly seven years in prison.
Guy Reffitt是因2021年1月6日对国会的袭击事件受审的第一个人,他被判处将近7年监禁,比原来的刑期减少7个月。 Guy Reffitt, the first person tried for the January 6, 2021, Capitol attack, was resentenced to nearly seven years in prison, a reduction of seven months from his original sentence. Reffitt用手持手枪、紧身手铐和防弹衣袭击了国会,并因在暴动后威胁他的两名十几岁的子女而被定罪。 Reffitt had stormed the Capitol with a holstered handgun, zip-tie handcuffs, and body armor, and was convicted of threatening his two teenage children after the riot. 1,500多人被指控与国会暴动有关。 Over 1,500 people have been charged in connection with the Capitol riot.