加利福尼亚州敦促在燃料价格高涨的情况下暂停天然气税,以进行财政减免。 California urges suspension of gas tax for financial relief amid high fuel prices.
敦促加利福尼亚家庭暂停征收天然气税,以减轻高燃料价格造成的财政压力。 California families are urged to suspend the gas tax to alleviate financial pressure from high fuel prices. 多种地方出版物强调必须立即提供救济,强调家庭费用上涨的负担,并倡导采取立法行动提供支助。 Multiple local publications emphasize the need for immediate relief, highlighting the burden of rising costs on households and advocating for legislative action to provide support. 要求暂停征税的目的是减轻全州居民的经济压力。 The call for a tax suspension aims to ease economic strain on residents across the state.