8 在塞浦路斯被捕的叙利亚国民,他们因资助一个设在第三国的无名恐怖团体而被捕。 8 Syrian nationals arrested in Cyprus for funding an unnamed terrorist group based in a third country.
塞浦路斯警察逮捕了8名叙利亚国民,7名男子和1名妇女,他们涉嫌资助一个设在第三国的指定恐怖主义集团。 Cyprus police arrested eight Syrian nationals, seven men and one woman, on suspicion of funding a designated terrorist group based in a third country. 逮捕发生在利马索尔和帕福斯,当局称没有迹象表明塞浦路斯境内计划发动袭击。 The arrests occurred in Limassol and Paphos, with authorities stating there is no indication of planned attacks within Cyprus. 据信嫌疑人通过非法活动,包括贩毒筹集资金。 The suspects are believed to have raised funds through illicit activities, including drug dealing. 具体恐怖组织及其地点尚未披露。 The specific terrorist organization and its location have not been disclosed.