土耳其警察在一次重大行动中拘留了18个省的54名伊斯兰国嫌疑成员。 Turkish police detain 54 suspected ISIS members across 18 provinces in a major operation.
土耳其警方在一个名为“GURZ-26”的全国性行动中, 在18个省拘留了54名伊斯兰国嫌疑成员。 Turkish police have detained 54 suspected ISIS members across 18 provinces in a nationwide operation called "GURZ-26." 在被拘留者中,有20人被逮捕,另外11人受到司法控制。 Of those detained, 20 were arrested, and judicial controls were imposed on 11 others. 这一行动是土耳其目前打击恐怖主义努力的一部分,今年对伊斯兰国开展了1 205次行动,导致逮捕655人,并对566名嫌疑人实行司法控制。 This operation is part of Turkey's ongoing efforts to combat terrorism, having conducted 1,205 operations against ISIS this year, leading to the arrest of 655 individuals and judicial controls for 566 suspects.