PLOS ONE 的研究揭示了“信息充分性的错觉”,即人们高估了自己的知识并用新的事实改变观点。 Study in PLOS ONE reveals "illusion of information adequacy," where people overestimate their knowledge and change opinions with new facts.
PLOS ONE 上的一项研究强调了“信息充足性的错觉”,即人们认为他们有足够的信息来做出决策,这通常会导致过度自信。 A study in PLOS ONE highlights the "illusion of information adequacy," where people believe they have enough information to make decisions, often leading to overconfidence. 该研究对 1,261 名参与者进行,研究表明,对自己有限的知识有信心的人在面对更多事实时愿意改变他们的观点。 Conducted with 1,261 participants, the research showed that individuals confident in their limited knowledge were willing to change their opinions when presented with additional facts.