Thomas Knapp提倡积极听取意见,以此作为促进理解和有效对话的基本交流技巧。 Thomas Knapp advocates for active listening as a fundamental communication skill for fostering understanding and effective dialogue.
Thomas Knapp在文章中讨论“积极倾听”的概念, In his article, Thomas Knapp discusses the concept of "active listening," arguing that it is not a novel idea but rather a fundamental communication skill. 他强调其在促进理解和有效对话方面的重要性,认为积极倾听的原则在人际交流中早已得到承认。 He emphasizes its importance in fostering understanding and effective dialogue, suggesting that the principles of active listening have long been recognized in interpersonal communication. Knapp鼓励读者接受这种做法, Knapp encourages readers to embrace this practice for better connections and conflict resolution.