新西兰FamilyBoost计划的注册人数为40,000人,低于预期的100,000人,而批评者则主张实行普遍制度。 40,000 registrations for New Zealand's FamilyBoost scheme fall short of anticipated 100,000, with critics arguing for a universal system.
新西兰的FamilyBoost计划旨在帮助家庭支付儿童保育费用,它只获得大约4万份登记,低于预期的10万份登记。 New Zealand's FamilyBoost scheme, designed to assist families with childcare costs, has only garnered around 40,000 registrations, falling short of the anticipated 100,000. 包括劳工党在内的批评者认为,回扣制度给父母造成了不必要的负担,应当具有普遍性。 Critics, including the Labour Party, argue that the rebate system creates unnecessary burdens for parents and should be universal. 工党的Barbara Edmonds认为该计划并没有有效减轻家庭的生活费用, Labour's Barbara Edmonds contends that the scheme doesn't effectively alleviate living costs for families, labeling it as disingenuous and claiming it relies on unrealistic projections.