团体起诉推翻亚利桑那州为期 15 周的堕胎禁令,理由是最近的一项宪法修正案。 Groups sue to overturn Arizona's 15-week abortion ban, citing a recent constitutional amendment.
包括美国公民自由联盟和计划生育协会在内的生殖权利倡导者已经向马里科帕县高级法院提起诉讼,要求推翻亚利桑那州15周的堕胎禁令,认为这与最近一项将堕胎机会扩大到胎儿存活期的宪法修正案相矛盾。 Reproductive rights advocates, including the ACLU and Planned Parenthood, have filed a lawsuit in Maricopa County Superior Court to overturn Arizona's 15-week abortion ban, arguing it conflicts with a recent constitutional amendment expanding access to abortion up to fetal viability. 诉讼主张这项禁令侵犯了基本的堕胎权,并试图阻止其执行,这可能导致对堕胎提供者提出刑事指控。 The lawsuit claims the ban infringes on the fundamental right to abortion and seeks to prevent its enforcement, which could result in criminal charges for providers. 民主总检察长同意在诉讼进行期间不执行这项禁令。 The Democratic Attorney General has agreed not to enforce the ban while the lawsuit proceeds.