美国最高法院拒绝听取阿拉巴马州生育诊所的上诉,根据州法律维护胚胎作为儿童的地位。 U.S. Supreme Court declines to hear Alabama fertility clinic appeal, upholding embryos as children under state law.
美国最高法院拒绝审理阿拉巴马州生育诊所就与被摧毁的冻胚胎有关的非法死亡诉讼提出的上诉。 The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear an appeal from an Alabama fertility clinic regarding a wrongful death lawsuit linked to a destroyed frozen embryo. 阿拉巴马州最高法院根据国家法律将胚胎列为儿童,允许提起诉讼。 The Alabama Supreme Court had classified embryos as children under state law, allowing the lawsuit to proceed. 这项裁决导致阿拉巴马州IVF服务中止,引发了关于生殖权利的辩论。 This ruling has led to the suspension of IVF services in Alabama and sparked debates on reproductive rights. 对此,阿拉巴马州立法机构通过了一项法律,向IVF提供者提供法律保护。 In response, Alabama's legislature passed a law offering legal protections to IVF providers.