包括一架海岸警卫队直升机在内的应急服务于10月8日在Ipswich Marina对水中一人作出反应。 Emergency services, including a coastguard helicopter, responded to a person in the water at Ipswich Marina on October 8th.
紧急服务部门在10月8日下午3点15分左右响应了关于伊普斯威奇码头水中有人死亡的报道. Emergency services responded to reports of a person in the water at Ipswich Marina on October 8th around 3:15 PM. 苏福克警察、消防员和英格兰东区救护车署参加了救援工作,其中包括一架海岸警卫直升机。 Suffolk Police, firefighters, and the East of England Ambulance Service participated in the rescue effort, which included a coastguard helicopter. 封锁了Helena Road附近地区,以确保在继续搜寻期间的安全。 The area near Helena Road was cordoned off to ensure safety while the search continued. 事件发生在Neptune Marina附近的Orwell河。 The incident occurred in the River Orwell, near Neptune Marina.