澳大利亚的调查发现,主要汽车品牌收集和与第三方分享驱动数据,引起了隐私问题。 Australian investigation finds major car brands collect and share driver data with third parties, raising privacy concerns.
包括丰田、福特、基亚和现代在内的几家主要汽车品牌正在收集和与第三方供应商分享司机数据, An investigation by Australia's CHOICE magazine has revealed that several major car brands, including Toyota, Ford, Kia, and Hyundai, are collecting and sharing driver data with third-party providers, raising privacy concerns. Kia和现代公司因与美国Cerence公司共享语音识别数据而受到特别批评。 Kia and Hyundai were particularly criticized for sharing voice recognition data with the U.S. firm Cerence. 包括Vanessa Teague博士在内的专家正在倡导制定新的法律,要求为了保护消费者的隐私而收集数据时必须征得选择同意。 Experts, including Dr. Vanessa Teague, are advocating for new laws requiring opt-in consent for data collection to protect consumers' privacy.