Zillow与第一街合作,推出气候风险数据工具,显示上市家庭当前和未来的风险。 Zillow launches climate risk data tool, showing current and future risks for listed homes, partnering with First Street.
Zillow与第一街合作,为平台上列出的家庭推出了一个新的显示气候风险数据的功能。 Zillow has launched a new feature displaying climate risk data for homes listed on its platform, in partnership with First Street. 这一工具将风险分为五个领域:洪水、野火、风、热和空气质量,显示未来15至30年的当前风险和预测风险。 This tool categorizes risks into five areas: flood, wildfire, wind, heat, and air quality, showing both current and projected risks for the next 15 to 30 years. 80%以上的购房者现在在其决定中考虑到气候风险,突出表明环境因素在房地产购买中日益重要。 Over 80% of homebuyers now consider climate risks in their decisions, highlighting the growing importance of environmental factors in real estate purchases. Zillow还提供有针对性的保险建议。 Zillow also offers tailored insurance recommendations.