66岁的Peter David Long因历史上对四名女孩的性犯罪被判处24年监禁,被命令登记为性犯罪人。 66-year-old Peter David Long sentenced to 24 years in prison for historical sexual offenses against four girls, ordered to register as a sex offender.
Peter David Long,66岁,因对4名7至14岁的女孩犯下历史上的性犯罪而被判处24年徒刑。 Peter David Long, 66, has been sentenced to 24 years in prison for historical sexual offenses against four girls aged 7 to 14. 他认罪6项与13岁以下女孩性交和13项猥亵罪。 He pleaded guilty to six counts of sexual intercourse with a girl under 13 and 13 counts of indecent assault. 法院下达了终生限制令,要求他登记为性犯罪人。 The court imposed a lifetime restraining order and required him to register as a sex offender. 当局鼓励受害者举报此类犯罪,强调无论犯罪何时发生,都将进行调查。 Authorities encourage victims to report such crimes, highlighting that investigations will be conducted regardless of when the offenses occurred.