83岁的Peter Nygard被判犯有性攻击罪,在安大略上诉法院上诉判决时寻求保释。 83-year-old Peter Nygard, convicted of sexual assault, seeks bail while appealing sentence in Ontario Court of Appeal.
前时尚大亨彼得·尼加德 (Peter Nygard) 正在寻求保释,同时对他在多伦多的性侵犯定罪和 11 年监禁提出上诉。 Peter Nygard, the former fashion mogul, is seeking bail while appealing his sexual assault convictions and an 11-year prison sentence in Toronto. 安大略上诉法院已听取了他的保释请求,但裁决尚未作出。 The Ontario Court of Appeal has heard his motion for bail, but a decision is pending. Nygard的法律小组认为,审判法官犯了错误,包括允许某些证词,并声称判决过重,因为他的年龄(83岁)和体弱。 Nygard's legal team argues the trial judge made errors, including allowing certain testimony, and claims the sentence is excessive due to his age (83) and frailty. 他被判犯有四起涉及多名妇女的性攻击罪。 He was convicted of four counts of sexual assault involving multiple women.