加拿大隐私监管机构披露了 2020 年针对政府机构的网络攻击。 Canadian privacy watchdog reveals 2020 cyberattack on gov't agencies.
加拿大联邦隐私监管机构发现,2020 年针对加拿大税务局和加拿大就业与社会发展部等加拿大机构的网络攻击导致了欺诈性收款、欺诈和身份盗窃,包括申请 COVID-19 紧急应对福利。 The Canadian federal privacy watchdog found that a 2020 cyberattack on Canadian institutions, including the Canada Revenue Agency and Employment and Social Development Canada led to the fraudulent collection of payments, fraud, and identity theft, including applications for COVID-19 emergency response benefits. 这些组织低估了所需的身份验证级别,未能及时检测和遏制违规行为。 The organizations underestimated the level of identity authentication needed and failed to promptly detect and contain the breach. 2023 年,加拿大银行报告的高影响网络事件数量几乎是上一年的三倍,这引起了银行监管机构的担忧,因为高影响网络攻击对加拿大金融机构来说是一个重大风险。 In 2023, Canadian banks reported nearly triple the number of high-impact cyber incidents from the previous year, prompting concern from the banking regulator as high-impact cyberattacks are a significant risk for Canadian financial institutions.