印度防务局在特里普拉击退了12-15名武装孟加拉走私者, 一名走私者死亡, 一名防务局军人受伤. Indian BSF repels 12-15 armed Bangladeshi smugglers in Tripura, one smuggler killed, BSF jawan injured.
10月7日, 印度边境安全部队挫败了12-15名孟加拉国武装走私者在特里普拉的渗透企图。 On October 7, the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) thwarted an infiltration attempt by 12-15 armed Bangladeshi smugglers in Tripura. 在对峙中,一名走私者 Kamal Hossain 被杀,而一名 BSF jawan 受伤。 During the confrontation, one smuggler, Kamal Hossain, was killed, while a BSF jawan sustained injuries. 其余走私者撤退到孟加拉国。 The remaining smugglers retreated to Bangladesh. 已提交 FIR,BSF 与孟加拉国边防警卫队举行了一次会议,以解决该事件和边境沿线的非法活动。 An FIR has been filed, and a meeting between the BSF and Bangladesh's Border Guard was held to address the incident and illegal activities along the border.