WNO合唱团成员推迟罢工,以便进一步谈判;罢工改在11月15日进行。 WNO chorus members postpone strike to allow for further negotiations; strike rescheduled for November 15.
威尔士国家歌剧院合唱团成员暂时推迟了最初定于10月11日举行的罢工,以便进一步谈判裁员和工资问题。 Chorus members of the Welsh National Opera (WNO) have temporarily postponed their strike initially set for October 11 to allow for further negotiations regarding job cuts and pay. 相反,他们将采取非罢工行动,例如在兰迪德诺的演出中穿着抗议 T 恤和散发传单。 Instead, they will engage in non-strike actions, such as wearing protest T-shirts and distributing leaflets during a performance in Llandudno. 11月15日仍计划在南安普敦的Mayflower剧院举行罢工。 A strike is still scheduled for November 15 at the Mayflower Theatre in Southampton. 工会强调解决会员关切的重要性。 The union emphasizes the importance of addressing members' concerns.