由于垄断做法,美国区法官命令谷歌改造Android App商店,允许第三方App商店和独立支付方法。 U.S. District Judge orders Google to revamp Android app store due to monopolistic practices, allowing third-party app stores and independent payment methods.
一位美国地区法官授权谷歌改造其Android应用程序商店, A U.S. District Judge has mandated that Google revamp its Android app store following a ruling in favor of Epic Games, which accused Google of monopolistic practices. 禁令要求谷歌允许第三方应用程序商店和独立付款方法,并禁止专营付款安排三年。 The injunction requires Google to allow third-party app stores and independent payment methods, and prohibits exclusive payment arrangements for three years. 谷歌计划对这一决定提出上诉。 Google plans to appeal the decision. 这项裁决是技术巨人不断审查竞争和消费者选择问题的一部分。 This ruling is part of ongoing scrutiny of tech giants regarding competition and consumer choice.