史诗游戏起诉谷歌和三星, 涉嫌阴谋限制三星设备应用程序分发的竞争. Epic Games sues Google and Samsung for allegedly conspiring to restrict competition in app distribution on Samsung devices.
史诗游戏正在起诉谷歌和三星, 声称他们阴谋限制三星设备应用程序分发的竞争. Epic Games is suing Google and Samsung, alleging they conspired to restrict competition in app distribution on Samsung devices. 诉讼针对三星的Auto Blocker功能, Epic声称该功能阻碍他人使用替代应用程序商店, The lawsuit targets Samsung's Auto Blocker feature, which Epic claims blocks access to alternative app stores, thus favoring Google's Play Store. Epic认为这违反了最近针对谷歌的反托拉斯裁决。 Epic argues this violates recent antitrust rulings against Google. 该公司试图将自动阻塞器删除为默认设置,促进消费者选择和竞争。 The company seeks to have Auto Blocker removed as the default setting, promoting consumer choice and competition.