Google的上诉判决迫使它允许在Android、面对Epic Champales和美国机构进行第三方App商店。 Google appeals verdict forcing it to allow third-party app stores on Android, facing Epic Games and US agencies.
Google正在向旧金山的一家美国上诉法院提出上诉。 Google is appealing a court verdict that found its Play Store monopolizes app distribution on Android devices, to a US appeals court in San Francisco. 该案件由Epic运动会提出,导致谷歌下令允许第三方应用程序商店和替代付款系统。 The case, filed by Epic Games, resulted in an order for Google to allow third-party app stores and alternative payment systems. Google指出,审判法官犯了法律错误,而Epic的支持者包括微软、美国司法部和联邦贸易委员会。 Google argues the trial judge made legal errors, while supporters of Epic include Microsoft, the US Justice Department, and the Federal Trade Commission. 上诉法院将决定是否维持该判决,并可能向最高法院提出进一步上诉。 The appeals court will decide whether to uphold the verdict, with potential further appeals to the Supreme Court.